

We are a 501-(c)3 nonprofit organization, and are very reliant on donations like yours to keep us running. Your gifts are tax-deductible where applicable.

You may donate by clicking the button below:

You may also donate by mailing your check to:

The Sparx & Lorenzo Antonio Foundation
P.O. BOX 36389
Albuquerque, NM 87176

Please make checks payable to:
The Sparx Lorenzo Antonio Foundation

For donation questions or issues, please contact us.


Sparx & Lorenzo Antonio Foundation
P.O. Box 36389
Albuquerque, NM 87176

“…(The SPARX & LORENZO ANTONIO FOUNDATION has) opened a new door in my life. Attending college would have been close to impossible without your dedication, support, and awareness. Thank you for believing in me.”

Andrea Robles